Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Using Gated Content for Insurance Agency Lead Generation

Defining gated content

Insurance agency marketers leverage gated content for lead generation, by trading digital content fulfillment for visitor information such as name, email, organization, industry, title, etc. The digital content can be offered through insurance agency email marketing campaigns, PPC campaigns, social media marketing, blogs or newsletters, to mention a few of the insurance marketing vehicles which can be used.

Gated content specifically refers to front end form-based materials, such as articles, case studies, videos and white papers, which require visitors to provide information (fill out a form) before allowing access to that digital information. The form may simply require a name and email address, or depending upon the perceived value of the information, may require additional detail and demographic information about them and their and organizations.

Then what is "ungated" content? Ungated content presents information to the visitor on demand. Though there may be an option to sign up or provide information via a Call To Action, visitors can access the content immediately without any information required.

When to use gated vs. ungated content?

Value, perceived value, intellectual property and insurance agency marketing goals all play a role in determining the trade-off between using gated vs. ungated content. If your agency considers certain content, let’s say a detailed white paper, to be high value digital content, you’re typically going to make that gated content, requiring at least a name and business email for viewing. If it’s a 2-minute explainer video, you’re likely going to offer that without a gate. Ungated content typically increases views, but lead generation can suffer as your agency will not be collecting lead forms. Thus, the marketing campaign goals come into play. If the goal is branding and awareness, ungated content is often preferable.  If it is lead generation centric, gleaning at least an email and name may be the minimum level of information collected to view the content.

How do you determine content value?

There is elasticity here. For example, a Continuing Education Accredited OSHA or Benefits Compliance Webinar can be highly valued, and your agency should be able to collect six to eight information fields for registration and viewing. If you’re offering a brief one-page case study vignette, you may attempt to collect just two fields as it may carry a lower perceived value. If the content is promotional in nature, for example a 2-minute value proposition video, you would likely offer that without a “form in front”, to optimize views.

Is content the king?

Of course, you need to begin by having quality content available, and ensuring it is well organized and properly protected. Organizing content on an insurance agency resource library can be very helpful, password protecting your proprietary content, gating your high value content, and making it easy for producers and prospects to access non-gated content.

For more information on insurance agency lead generation, gated content strategies and insurance agency resource libraries, contact the insurance agency marketing team at StartUpSelling.